Edward Cross
Technology Consultant and Company Director
Ed has eight years experience working in an strategic infrastructure and economic development role for the public sector. He has worked on several large multi-partner projects involving a variety of public and private sector stakeholders, each focused on delivering better digital connectivity.
Ed has in-depth knowledge of national broadband, digital infrastructure and skills policy, having overseen several State Aid applications for publicly subsidised broadband and mobile infrastructure.
He has technically assured several large-scale public sector procurements, carrying out early market engagement activities and project managing Open Market Reviews.
As well as his public sector background, he has in-depth technical knowledge and excellent data and analysis skills, being competent in several coding languages. This includes expert knowledge of interactive mapping, GIS and various Cloud platforms and APIs.
Ed has an MSc in Sustainable Development and Climate Change from the University of Exeter and a BSc Hons in Geography from the University of Southampton.